Fundamentally, the speed of our lives isn’t allowing enough interstitial time—code for REST BREAKS—for us to process all the influx. Downtime, particularly quiet time, is critical for us to make sense of all the information we’ve ‘taken in.’
Tag: stress
Jul 18 2014
Writing, Caregiving & Confessions of a "Recovering" Control Freak
It’s funny how life has this way of pointing out our weaknesses. We have this delusion that we can keep doing things the way we always have and it will work…and that’s when the pressure piles up. I admit it. I am a control freak and a perfectionist. I grew up in a family of …
Mar 31 2014
Is Your Life Out of Control? What Can We Do When Nothing is Going Right?
I believe our character will impact our dreams, our relationships, our well-being. And I would love to tell y’all I’ve got it all together, but I’ve been struggling…a lot. And I have some seriously clever excuses involving alien abduction, but….sigh. Tempting as it is, I won’t go there.
Jun 03 2013
Can I Just Be French? Restoring My Damaged Relationship with Rest
Is it just me or, do you feel like you’re drinking from a fire hose? It seems like the more apps and gadgets and widgets they invent, the more crap we’re expected to keep up with. I rarely feel my time is saved at all, and yet what would I do without the alarm on my iPhone to remind me not to leave my child at nursery school?
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