We needed to grow roots where we would enjoy the most returns for our efforts. In short, authors must break their dependence on social media sites. Sites like Facebook should always be servants of the greater brand…NEVER its master.
Category: Blogging
May 04 2016
Why Your Author Blog is Stuck & What To DO
Ah the blog. Some of you might perk up at the word. Others? Blog sounds like some radioactive creature that hatched from a meteor and is only there to feed. Feed on your energy, your hopes and your dreams. Many writers start the blog with high hopes, then a few months in? You can’t bear …
Feb 05 2014
How to Write a Great Author Blog AND Avoid Huge Ships
Craft, the industry, our process, our research are our tools for our art, but they ARE NOT our art. Readers, or potential readers ARE NOT interested in the tools of our trade, rather they want to see how we USE those tools. Regular people (readers) are interested in the art, which is merely the unique “set of eyes” that permits writers to see what others can’t (but secretly wish they could).
Sep 03 2013
The Rise of Individuality—What This Means for Publishing & Authors
But to spot and nourish the micro-trend, we must be present. Micro-trends can earn us a healthy living. A single writer doesn’t need to sell as many books to keep the light on as NYC does. Also micro-trends have the potential to grow up to be mega-trends. Spreadsheets can’t tell us as much as people can. And, trust me, people have a lot to say. Numbers can’t tell us as much about the future as relationships can.
Jan 18 2013
The Most Powerful Social Media Tool for Building an Author Platform-Part 3
Taking time to connect with people. Connecting to them with words. Making others feel. In the end, that’s all social media and blogging are about. Part One and Part Two of this post began the discussion about why blogs are probably THE BEST use of an author’s time when it comes to building an author …