Tag: We Are Not alone

3 Ways to Fire Up Your Writing Career Today

Social media, done properly is not a short-term burst of gimmicky energy. There is no magic to it and it while it is simple, that doesn’t mean it’s easy. But writers who use social media well, definitely gain some major benefits.

Three Reasons Your Writing Career is Stuck

The thing is, “aspiring writers” never get stuck any more that a unicorn gets stuck because a unicorn isn’t a real animal and an aspiring writer isn’t a real writer and only real writers get stuck.

Why Our Author Brand is More Important than Ever Before

For the past few months I’ve been focused on writing and not on social media. Hey, even the Social Media Jedi can get burnout 😉 . But now we’re going to shift gears because, aside from writing the actual book, social media (branding) is the biggest part of our job. And I can hear the …

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No Success Without the GRIND

We may not always be able to do the big stuff, but we can keep pressing with the small stuff because greatness is not a singular moment. Rather, greatness is the cumulation of a lot of hidden moments that have no glory.

You Might Be a Writer If…

A lot of “stuff” has been going on in my life lately. Hard stuff. Heavy stuff. The kind of stuff that just makes me want to write massacre scenes….except I am so brain dead I had to google how to spell “massacre.” Masicker? Missucker? WHAT AM I DOING???? *breaks down sobbing* I am supposed to …

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