Category: Publishing

Move Over Barnes & Noble, Hello Amazon Brick-and-Mortar—Bringing Back the Bookstore Only Better

But Amazon knows who is selling. It has the data. It also knows not all areas have the same tastes in books. What if you could strategically stock every store? Wait! Now, you can.

Why Our Author Brand is More Important than Ever Before

For the past few months I’ve been focused on writing and not on social media. Hey, even the Social Media Jedi can get burnout 😉 . But now we’re going to shift gears because, aside from writing the actual book, social media (branding) is the biggest part of our job. And I can hear the …

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What to Do When You Absolutely, Positively NEED a Pen Name

Yes, there ARE good cases for having a nom de plume.

There are probably as many reasons TO have a pen name as not, but it will be extra work. If you are okay with that? Sally forth!

The Art of Business & The Business of Art—Breaking Rules to Reveal Our Audience

I would challenge every artist (or business) to step back and feel. Think about the customer FIRST and ego second. Money LAST.

10 Tips to Organizing a Kick Ass Online Book Event

The book launch. The discoverability blog hop. The big Christmas sale. You know you need to do it, that it will be good for your book, but the MOUNTAIN of work looming makes you want to run for Netflix and Big Bang Theory reruns.