Tag: entertainment business

Where are All the Readers?–Social Media & the Writer's Revolution

But we need to permit readers into our lives as well. If all our actions tell readers to “Keep Out”–that this is a “Writers Only” group, then we can’t be shocked when we fail to connect.

Death and Taxes–A Writer's Guide to Keeping More of What You Make

How many talented actors, musicians, artists and athletes ended up going from multi-millionaires to using a squeegee at a car wash because they failed to understand the business side of their business?

The Writing Business–Formula for Disaster Meets the Recipe for Success (Part II)

The writer’s contribution is more than valuable, it preserves and grows the human condition. Tyrants burn the books first for a reason.

Critique–"If You Can't Stand the Heat, then Get Out of the Kitchen"

Do not take critique personally, but DO take it seriously.

Warrior Writer: Business Plans & Stretchy Pants—One Size DOES NOT Fit All

What makes the Warrior Writer approach so radically different is that, when it comes to a business plan? To be good, it must be as unique as the individual. Personality has to be the primary consideration.