Category: Culture

Why the Fashion Industry is Dying—Laughing at Salad & Cleavage Snacks

Today we are going to talk about something a bit different, but maybe this might inspire your fiction, because if the world changes guarantee you a writer was behind it 😉 . As I was perusing Facebook Friday evening, I came across an article that gave me an odd reaction. It made me want to …

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Lighten the HELL UP! Combatting the Plague of Self-Importance

The real crisis in the country is we are laughing less and less. Everyone is special and fragile and needs to be handled with care. PC was to make us more sensitive and BOY did it work. Our nation has the skin of a grape.

Advantages in DISadvantages—Does Our Culture Really Value "Normal"?

Last time, when we talked about Barnes & Noble, I mentioned a book by Malcolm Gladwell David & Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants.  This is a really interesting book because Gladwell peels apart our common perceptions of what an advantage really is. Sometimes, that which others claim is undesirable really isn’t. It is …

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Truth, Lies & Social Media

I support freedom of speech (even for those I don’t agree with), but I would like to talk about what information we are sharing. And, yeah, yeah, I am opening a can of worms, but someone has to do it…

Parent-Shaming & Mom-Shaming—Has Our Culture of Guilt Gotten Out of CONTROL?

Have you read that last book by Dr. Snooty Pants who never had a kid but feels comfortable judging? “Why Your Child Will Kill You in Your Sleep for the Insurance Money if You Don’t Stimulate Enough Creativity?” It’s a best-seller….