Tag: how to sell more books

Sales: How Can You Sell More Books When You’re Terrified of Selling?

Sales can be one of the most terrifying words in the English language. If one happens to be a creative professional, let’s just multiply that fear level by ten…or a thousand.

The Winning Edge: In a Glutted Market, How Can Authors Stand Apart?

We are wanting them to READ. If we want them to read, the we need to make sure we’re valuing their limited time by offering them an escape…not a migraine. I hate saying this, and honestly never believed I ever would. But if writers would do these three things, you would outpace probably 95% of what is for sale.

On Writing: Why Mastery Should Matter to the Serious Author

Craft classes and grammar lessons aside, reading helps fill our toolbox. We are artisans, crafting people, places, worlds, and concepts with combinations of twenty-six letters. Would you trust someone to build your house who only owned (and knew how to use) a hammer and saw? Or a doctor who only knew how to wield a scalpel, but skipped learning how to suture?
Yet how many writers are publishing books and they don’t even possess the basic fundamentals of our craft? And are more concerned with a new marketing plan then why people don’t WANT to read their work, let alone PAY to read it?

Pitch Perfect: Can You Sell Your Story in ONE Sentence?

The pitch is critical for book sales because it connects the consumer (reader) with our work. Sales is always, ALWAYS about the customer, and the essence of all sales is that it solves some sort of problem for the buyer. Books solve problems. Which one does yours solve? How? Why your book?

Gatekeepers & Good Books: Trophy Fishing in a Literary Tsunami

Without gatekeepers, we may have hit a point where self-publishing could start doing irreparable harm to our industry. A ‘bad book’ from 1999 is not the same creature as the ‘bad book’ of 2019.