Tag: how to sell more books

Boutique Books: The Fall of the Mega-Author Titans

Boutique is BIG. Writers can curate content for a highly specific audience. Take any slice of society and an author can build a niche around that.

Small Steps & The Value of Simply SHOWING UP

Small steps are the most essential for achieving anything in life, yet they’re also the most underestimated. They are too easy to overlook or dismiss.

Branding & Attention: Busy Brains in a Busy World

Branding, at least for authors, is a relatively new concept. Selling books was SO much ‘easier’ before the digital age, when life ran at a comparable snail-hooked-on-Valium pace. Or it at least seems that way.

Psychology of Selling: Understanding the Consumer

When we appreciate that our goal isn’t a race to the bottom of who can give away the most for free or almost free, that is liberating.

Brave New Writing & Learning to Think Outside the Book

Most of us would LOVE to sit and read a big thick hardback, but we’d also like to have teleportation devices, holo-decks and pizza that makes you skinnier the more you eat it. And odds of having any of these are about the same.

So what do we do? We change HOW we are informed and entertained.