Tag: Rise of the Machines Human Authors in a Digital World

Going Pro—Earning Rhino Skin & Learning Which Opinions Matter

My favorite quote is, “Tigers do not lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.” People have opinions. A lot feel the need to share them. Go team! But we don’t have to listen and take these opinions to heart. We can consider the source.

Taking on the Blogging Bullies—Ageism, Fear & Misbehaving "Old" Women

Writers have a LOT of power. A LOT. Art often not only defines and reflects a society as it currently exists, but it can be a compass for the direction that culture is heading. This said, there was a blogger who sent me into the STRATOSPHERE on Saturday and had me sharpening kitchen knives. As …

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Social Media is a Waste of Time for Writers—Hmmm, Think Again

Personally, I can think of no larger waste of time than researching and reading and spending countless hours crafting a wonderful book of 60,000-110,000 words and then? No one knows the book exists so few people ever read it, enjoy it or are changed by the author’s story.

Why Writers Should Use Twitter (and HOW to USE It Effectively)

For the last couple posts, we’ve been talking about how to use Twitter effectively. Too many writers are like Stormtroopers—lots of shots fired  tweets that hit NOTHING. I can admit, when I got on Twitter (when it was invented) I didn’t get it. I would—KID YOU NOT—freak out when people I didn’t know followed me. WHAT? Are …

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8 Ways to Make People on Twitter Want to Stab Us IN THE FACE

One would think a lot of what I teach about social media (Twitter) would be self-explanatory, but hey…we live in a world where a box of frozen corn dogs has a warning that I need to REMOVE the corn dogs from the box BEFORE placing in oven. Hell, who KNEW? As a social media expert, …

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