Tag: Success

Persistence Prevails When All Else Fails—Being an Outlaster

We all have heard the saying, “DaVinci had the same 7 days and 24 hours.” I would actually make a different point. Folks like DaVinci, Mozart, Shakespeare actually had LESS time.

Life on Purpose—What to Do When Dreams & Goals Fizzle

We’re a few weeks out from the New Year and many of us are struggling. I don’t think I am saying anything crazy when I assert that most of us would LIKE to improve. We want to learn and grow and be better over time. No one dreams about being broke, stressed, overweight and unhappy. …

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Reduce Stress, Increase Joy & Productivity—Why Is Simple So HARD?

The weird paradox is that the more we let go, the more we can hold. We live in a world that tells us we can have it all. We can’t. Truth is, we can have it all, if we choose what is meaningful. BUT, there HAS to be a trade-off if we hope to do anything well (and remain sane).

Free Falling, Ground-Fighting & Learning to Start Over

Like all of you, okay most…all right maybe only one or two of you, I kinda wish I had a Delorian so I could go back in time and slap myself. So many things I have done wrong, and still do wrong. I swear sometimes it is a miracle I make it to bed in one piece. This is the great thing about WANA (which stands for We Are Not Alone). We’re a club…or probably a cult.

Want to Be Successful? Beware of End-of-the-Rainbow Thinking

America in particular has transformed from a culture that once valued hard work and apprenticeship, to one that elevates the ego, the individual, the “self-made”. Yet, serendipity aside, those who’ve experienced authentic success didn’t uncover some pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.