65 results for Pinterest

Writing, The Glamorous Life & Finding Balance in the Madness of Branding

Persistence is a wonderful trait. Persistence is noble. But persistence can look a lot like stupid.

10 Tips to Organizing a Kick Ass Online Book Event

The book launch. The discoverability blog hop. The big Christmas sale. You know you need to do it, that it will be good for your book, but the MOUNTAIN of work looming makes you want to run for Netflix and Big Bang Theory reruns.

10 Ways for ADD Authors to Be OOH! SQUIRREL!!!! …Productive

One key difference between the amateur and the professional is the professional shows up no matter what. Life will not stop because we have a dream of being a NYTBSA.

Balancing Writing & Life—The World Rewards Finishers NOT Perfection

Because perfect is an illusion. There is no such thing. Our society has gotten into this GO BIG OR GO HOME attitude, and sure, that might be okay in one or two aspects of our lives…but ALL OF IT? I cannot look like a fitness model, write 4 novels a year, have perfect social media, make crafts with my kid, volunteer, drive a BMW and have a house that should be featured on HGTV.

Show Me the Money–What's the Skinny on Author Earnings?

I can tell you that the authors who treat writing as a business and who seek education and mentoring are making a heck of a lot more than $1000 a year. I’ve seen that, too. I’ve witnessed many writers who were willing to do all it took to make a good living writing and boy they are. Hugh Howey, Teresa Ragan, H.P. Mallory, and Saffina Deforges (three of these four I know personally and all great people and I many more examples but this post is long enough).