Tag: Writing

Writing a Novel–Plot or Character? Which Comes First? Part II

There are only so many plots, no matter what anyone says. As an editor for many years, I always have new writers who feel like they have written something entirely new. Um…no. Sorry. Nothing new

Writing a Novel–Plot or Character? Which Comes First?

So what book (movie) do you want to write? Write it down and REMEMBER IT. It is very easy to listen to feedback and edit, edit, edit and then lose the original story you wanted to write in the first place.

Just Do It

No one ever published half of a perfect book.

There's the Hard Way and the Smart Way

Persistence is vital. But so are skill and knowledge. It is a great goal to want to climb Mt. Everest. But, if we are climbing the wrong mountain while wearing flip-flops, then we’re just idiots.

Here's to a Life of Excellence–3 Tips for Writing Success

Yes, today’s nobodys could be tomorrow’s somebodys, but that really isn’t the point. Excellence doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It is a collection of habits. Actions become habit. Habit becomes character and character becomes destiny.