Category: Business

Against All Odds—What's Our REAL Chance of Becoming a Successful Author?

Human nature is a weird thing and, had I not seen this 5% rule play out countless times, I’d still be an unbeliever. Yet, like everyone is not meant to be a Navy S.E.A.L., not everyone is meant to be a career author.

3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Writing & Increase Sales

Attention spans are shrinking. The average time spent on a website is roughly 3.5 minutes. I’d wager most people give a website less than 10 seconds to catch their attention and that 3.5 minutes only applies to those browsers who happen to stay. We can apply these business lessons to our writing, because we writers also have something to sell.

What Makes a Media Release Effective

A social media platform is powerful but a key component is time. Strong on-line platforms rarely yield instant results. Traditional media outlets are a different story.

Show Me the Money–What's the Skinny on Author Earnings?

I can tell you that the authors who treat writing as a business and who seek education and mentoring are making a heck of a lot more than $1000 a year. I’ve seen that, too. I’ve witnessed many writers who were willing to do all it took to make a good living writing and boy they are. Hugh Howey, Teresa Ragan, H.P. Mallory, and Saffina Deforges (three of these four I know personally and all great people and I many more examples but this post is long enough).

Are You a "Real" Writer? Is This Even the Correct Question?

Now, of course, there is the difference between a “professional writer” and a “published professional writer” and then even a “successful professional writer.” Yet, I assure you if you learn to view yourself first as a professional writer then making your way to the next two levels will come far faster. It’s why I loathe the term “aspiring writer” and encourage titles like “pre-published writer.” Aspiring Writer is fruity-tooty and gives permission for us to be hobbyists and dabblers.