Kristen Lamb

Author's posts

WANA Wednesday–Baby Steps to Big Success

This lesson is foundational for social media success. When you buy my book, you will quickly see that I focus far more heavily in what and how you post than I do on the technology. Why? Because social media changes so quickly it will give your brain whiplash. You will never keep up unless you want a career in social media. Even then…trust me. You will never keep up. So don’t try to.

Beware the Bog of Backstory

Think of it this way, if a guy is holding a gun to your head to take your car, do you really care about the childhood trauma that made him turn to crime? Uh…no. But basically that is what we do to the reader when we interrupt the flow of action to shift back in time and explain.

Blogging–Just Part of the New Job Description

So let’s be clear. No we do not have to blog, but we will be competing against authors who do. Is it possible to become a success without a platform and a blog following? Sure. It is also possible to win a million dollars playing scratch-offs, but I wouldn’t say that purchasing tickets counts as wise financial planning.

Top 10 Reasons to Become a Writer

I created We Are Not Alone to make learning about social media marketing fun. Sort of like when you get a traffic ticket and have to take Defensive Driving…why not take Comedy Defensive Driving? My goal is to change your habits, not your personality. I assume most of you aren’t doing this writing thing until your dream of working in sales pays off. No? No one? Cool!

Setting–More than a Backdrop

Keep perspective and blend. Keep conflict and character center stage and the backdrop in its place…behind the characters.