Tag: story

What Are the Odds…Really? Taking a Hard Look at Success

    What are the odds….really? I didn’t even consider becoming a writer until 1999 after my father passed away suddenly. Funny how death can make us take a hard look at life, right? Anyway, I recall feeling soooo overwhelmed. I mean my odds of even getting published were about as good as winning the …

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Training to Be a Career Author–Writing is More than the Writing

Many of you who read this blog desire to be career authors, and kudos to you. It is a fun job and a great time. I used to be in sales. I literally hated my job so much I would throw up on the way to work. Every day I died a little more. This might …

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James Rollins–NY Times Best-Selling Cyborg or Human Geek Like Us?

Not an actual photo of Jim, rather a hastily Photoshopped rendition of my warped imagination. Today, we will be chatting with James Rollins. Yes, you read correctly–JAMES ROLLINS. As in New York Times Mega-Best-Selling Author *swooning*. Whether you have read Jim’s books….*giggle* I totally just called him JIM *squee!*. Okay, being serious now. Whether you have …

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Scene Antagonists–The Making of a Hero

Last week we talked about the antagonists that drive the action thread of the story. This week, we are going to talk about a different type of scene antagonist…the antagonist that drives the inner change of a character. This will conclude this series on antagonists. To write truly great stories that will resonate long after …

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T.E.A.M.–Together Everyone Achieves More

I have been involved with using social media to build platforms for a few years now, which means I’ve had a unique opportunity to see what works and what doesn’t and what fails horribly.  I choose to base my teachings off simple core truths that withstand the test of time. To me, social media is not …

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